Sharp, Dull, or Throbbing? Here’s How to Interpret Your Tooth Pain

January 10, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 12:09 am
Patient wincing due to tooth pain

Tooth pain can strike at any time, but not all aches are the same. Some come and go, while others stick around and worsen. Thankfully, the type of discomfort you feel can give clues about the cause, whether it’s a minor issue or something that needs immediate attention. Continue reading to learn what different kinds of tooth pain might mean and when to see your dentist.


Why Does My Mouth Taste Bitter?

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 6:30 pm
A woman sticking out her tongue

Bitter foods and beverages aren’t always a bad thing. After all, that morning cup of coffee is pretty bold without cream and sugar. But sometimes bitter isn’t better, especially when it comes to an unexplained taste in your mouth. If you notice a strange, flavor that doesn’t go away, here’s what it could be, and why you should schedule an appointment with your emergency dentist.


Safe and Simple Tips for Removing Your Child’s Loose Tooth

November 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 9:41 pm
young girl holding loose tooth

Losing baby teeth is an exciting milestone for kids, especially when the tooth fairy promises a reward! However, a stubborn loose tooth that lingers too long can frustrate  your child. It’s important to approach this process carefully to ensure their comfort and safety. Read on for some helpful tips on when and how to remove your child’s loose tooth safely. 


Parental Praise: How It Impacts Your Child’s Dental Health

October 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 4:11 pm
Woman and girl at bathroom mirror brushing teeth together

When parenting a child, you’re responsible for helping them learn basic tasks to care for themselves as they grow, like brushing their hair and teeth. However, many parents struggle to get their kids to thoroughly clean their mouths, making it a challenging chore.

A recent study published in 2021 suggests that praising your child when they brush their teeth can have a potentially positive impact. Continue reading to learn more about encouraging healthy at-home dental hygiene habits by expressing the right kind of appreciation for your little one’s efforts!


Do I Have to Visit My Dentist for A Chipped Tooth?

September 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 7:18 pm
Woman rubbing her temples and looking stressed

If your tooth falls out or breaks uncomfortably close to your gumline, that would probably strike you as a clear-cut dental emergency. But what if you only chipped your tooth? What if the crack is small and shallow? Do you have to visit your dentist if the dental damage doesn’t seem to be causing you any trouble?

In short: yes. Keep reading to find out why you should still treat your chipped tooth as soon as possible.


Why Do My Wisdom Teeth Hurt?

August 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 11:05 pm
Impacted wisdom tooth illustration

Wisdom teeth may have been useful for some of our earlier ancestors. However, our diets have changed significantly, and our jaws aren’t as large as theirs were. This means that wisdom teeth can sometimes do more harm than good. If your wisdom teeth are starting to cause you discomfort, there could be a few different reasons why. Continue reading to learn the causes of wisdom teeth pain and what you can do about it.


How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 5:12 pm
A woman sitting in bed holding an ice pack to her jaw after wisdom teeth removal surgery.

If you have recently had your wisdom teeth extracted but are struggling to get a comfortable night’s sleep, the good news is that these difficulties are only temporary. While that may be reassuring, however, it doesn’t exactly help you get those much-needed z’s. If you’re trying to find a way to get some well-deserved shut eye, try these helpful tips so you can recharge and help your body heal.


It’s All About Timing: How to Hit 22 Hours a Day with Your Invisalign

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 4:57 am
Holding an Invisalign aligner

One of the things that separates Invisalign from other methods of orthodontics is the aligners’ removability. The trays can be taken off at any time, which means that you can eat anything that you would like without worrying about your aligner.

However, it also means that you are accountable for how long you wear your aligner. The recommended quota is 20-22 hours a day—any less, and you’re at risk of falling off track with your Invisalign treatment. If that sounds daunting, here are a few tips to help you wear your aligners for 22 hours a day.


5 Facts You Should Know Before Getting Veneers

March 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 2:46 am
person with veneers smiling

Are you considering cosmetic dentistry to enhance your smile? Porcelain veneers could be the solution you’re looking for. These thin shells, crafted from high-quality dental porcelain, are a popular choice for transforming smiles. They discreetly cover the front surface of your teeth, masking imperfections like stains, chips, or gaps, and giving your smile a beautiful upgrade. Before you make a decision, it’s good to be well-informed. Keep reading to discover five important facts about porcelain veneers that can help you understand if they’re the right choice for you.


Working Out Is Great, but Can Exercise Damage Your Teeth?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 11:37 pm
Athlete smiles

Exercise is an essential part of maintaining one’s overall health, but it’s important to avoid injury when you’re working out. This is no less true for your smile than for your muscles, and many athletes and gym rats have injured their teeth because they didn’t take the proper precautions. Dental emergencies are a great way to ruin a good workout, so it’s best to avoid them if possible. Here are a few ways you can damage your teeth when exercising and a few tips to keep your sweating sessions smile-friendly!

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