Nexus Dental of Lewisville

How to Prepare for Invisalign Treatment

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 11:58 pm
woman with clear aligners

You may have been leaning toward traditional braces, but then you made a pros and cons list to stack them up against Invisalign and your decision for a smile upgrade became clear. As the day draws near to get started, you realize you could benefit from further info on how to prepare for Invisalign in Lewisville. Keep reading to get some helpful tips from your dentist.


4 Tips on Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

July 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nexusdental @ 8:09 am
A patient undergoing dental implant surgery

You probably feel excited if you’re about to have dental implant surgery. After all, the treatment will restore your smile’s looks and function! However, you might be feeling a bit nervous about the procedure too. Given your investment, you want to ensure your new implants are successful and long-lasting. Well, your Lewisville dentist is here to help make that happen. Read on to learn four things you can do to prepare for your implant surgery.

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